01 August 2022

I Am A Sayer

I am a sayer. Maybe not always known for as much of a doer, but definitely, certainly, a sayer. And as such, this has caused me to feel on the outskirts of the mainstream, cast out as it were into that pot of individuals - journalists, writers, artists, musicians, activists, POC, LGBTQ+; you know, basically all the cool people am I right? Up high, uh never mind. :/. But you know what I'm saying right? That anytime WE speak up, resist, dissent, oppose the status quo, we are persecuted for it, older than time itself I think. Because hOW DARE we be honest, strive for what is true and right and just, right? (see what I did there?) :). People like us are to be stayed away from, because "we might say things" and if you are with us when we do, then you are at risk of going down with the ship, as the sentiment goes. So, castaways. Thankfully, I don't let that bother or stop me anymore, as it once did, when I cared about what white privilege thought in my youth and naivete'. I'm considered "old" now, so I don't give a fuck, get out of my way, coming thru. And this is not to say that I am unkind; I sincerely try now not to wound with my words as I once did, but sometimes there are those out there that need to be knocked up side their heads with reality. The trouble is, reality is subjective. My reality is not YOUR reality, nor yours mine; hence the dilemma. We all share so much commonality here as humans on this same hurtling thru space rock, such oneness, and most of us have such humanity and caring for one another because we realize and see that commonality. What a shame, therefore, that that same "most of us" are forced to live under the reign, rule, and wrongful "truths" of those few in the worldwide population that are content to rape and ruin this planet, strip away our rights one by one before our eyes, and yet ever taxing and putting upon us more of the same societal BULLSHIT that the races need to stay separate, a woman's place is in the home barefoot and always pregnant, the gay need to just get over it and go away, and to the addicts and the homeless? Well sorry about that, we created your very situation but now we can't help you figure it out, sorry. But hold on here. We cool people are not blameless. We have let this happen, because well, you know; we're artists - dreamers, guitar strumming, pot smoking, staring at the stars at night dreamers. We KNOW things are wrong and fucked up out here but we're too lazy or too caught up in our own lives, too stoned, too much drinking, video games, comic con, working on our art and projects or just having to go to a regular job everyday, I get it, I'm no different. But as the saying goes, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change" it really is true. So if you're reading these words, all I'm saying is start where you are - what little, tiny but helpful thing can you start doing today to make your own litle corner of the world more happy, more clean, more organized, more efficient, more sustainable? What can you give up and sacrifice for the greater good of the animals and plants and water on this planet? What few bucks can you donate to a local charity you believe in? What petition can you sign that gets sent to your local and state and federal representatives? Can you stop using straws and plastic cups? JUST SOMETHING PEOPLE, OK? LIKE PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP AT THIS POINT????? JFC! I mean, isn't all this weather shit enough to convince literally ALL OF US that God is not only saying, "Don't make me come down there", but Mother Nature HATH come down here and the Old Lady ain't happy with the work we've done to HER PLANET!! So don't be a dick; don't be content to be that part of the population that doesn't want to hear about it, know what's going on. They are content to talk the talk but are not willing to walk the walk. They are content to just get take out and take out the trash every Tuesday, flip off their fellow man in traffic every morning on the way to their thankless, extremely low paying jobs, and drink themselves into oblivion every weekend and calling THAT living - pause, rinse, repeat. I myself personally have just come to realize that nothing changes unless WE change, unless we truly do become the change we want to see instead of that just being some other buzzphrase we throw around and don't actually enact. And it has to start by looking in the mirror - we can't save the rest of the world from themselves, but we sure can save ourselves - and like Loreal, aren't we worth it?